Figure study in Seattle

At the end of March, I was lucky enough to have a spot in Colleen Barry’s week-long Anatomy of the Figure class at Gage Academy in Seattle. Colleen ( is classically trained and IMHO, Greatest in the World of contemporary classical artists. She is based in Brooklyn, NY, but travels for teaching.

IMG_0346I first took the class in June 2014, and it was revelatory. I had never heard of Bargue drawings, sight-size, and the other classical methods she taught. I was trained to construct the figure beginning with ovals and cylinder shapes.

How did I have 7-½ years of art training and miss the day my instructors talked about the Russian and French Academies? Answer: They never did!

IMG_0360Colleen’s class taught me a whole new way to approach drawing that works not only with the figure, but with plants and landscapes. We started with measuring and blocking in — creating a “constellation” of points and lines. Then we spent a couple of days of defining shadow area shapes, followed filling in the “twilight” zones where dark turns to light. Finally, we gave the figures a “flickering flame,” strengthening certain lines of light and dark.

My anatomy background definitely gave me a jump start, and I really like the look obtained with the Academy methods. My first effort, the male model, was better than this year, the female. Beginner’s mind.



Comment (1)

  • Wendy Thompson| July 18, 2016

    Great to see your versatility